2020 Christmas activity: Teasure Hunt Searching for childhood memories

2020 Christmas activity : Teasure Hunt - Searching for childhood memories.
2020 Autumn: Thousand-Island two days’ Tour, enjoying boating on the lake, and cycling around the lake.
2021 Dine together on the Dragon Boat Festival
2021 Spring outdoor development training,
GATHERTOP cultures support involvement and provide positive, fun ways for our employees to get together for personal and professional development activities, both within and outside normal company hours.

Employees keep things in perspective, have fun, and laugh. They enjoy coming to work and feel appreciated, acknowledged and rewarded.
Team outings are a great way to facilitate bonding with our team members, reduce their stress, and give them a chance to get to know one another outside of the office. Team-building activities and games that boost morale can break down barriers among employees and create an environment that is nice to work in, which is vital to a successful and well-functioning business.
The goal of team-building activities is to get our team members to bond and build trust with each other. People with different backgrounds, needs, ambitions, and personalities make up teams.
Meanwhile, team building activities can be embarrassing for coworkers, and some don’t even add anything that relates to the workplace. For example, while ‘trust falls’ seems like an excellent idea, forcing it doesn’t improve trust among coworkers, and what is worse, it can result in injuries when pairings are not even.
One of the most significant advantages of the right team-building activities is that it boosts morale among our workforce. Team members get to work together on exciting and challenging activities and can display their skills and talents.
By engaging in the right team-building activities, we can bring these different people together to build a bonded, trusting team. Which is very important for our business.

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Post time: May-12-2022